Sunday, April 13, 2008

World Traveler

Something I’ve been thinking about recently: I have done a serious lot of traveling in my lifetime. Like really, a lot.

By my count, I’ve been to 8 countries and/or disputed territories, 18 different airports, every province from B.C. to Quebec, and 10 American states. I’ve gone on vacations to Hawaii, Florida (twice), the Dominican Republic, and others. I’ve seen both major oceans in more than one location. I’ve seen mountains, icefields, everglades, black sand beaches, sea turtles, sting rays, deserts, ancient ruins, holy shrines, valleys, dormant volcanoes, lagoons, and some of the most spectacular views human eyes can see. I’ve traveled by plane, bus, boat, train, limousine, cab, cruise ship, gwa-gwa, and monorail. I’ve been to extravagant theme parks, waterparks, and a bungee jump. I’ve been to the lowest point on Earth, the tallest free-standing structure (for now), and the Great Lakes.
Currently I have plans to do some sort of road trip this summer. And someday I’d very much like to visit Istanbul, Turkey.

Now I’ll admit, part of me is bragging right now. But my travel resumé is really not the point of this entry. What I’m writing about is the realization I’ve had.
I’m 18 ½ years old. I am a young man. And the more I travel, the more I realize what a privilege it is to be able to do so. But in only 18 ½ years I have done more traveling than most entire families will ever be able to do.

My realization is this: when it comes to travel and seeing the world, I am fortunate beyond what I could properly express. I have truly been disproportionately blessed in this arena. And for that, I thank God every day.
And yet I remember how even a year or so ago, I didn’t feel this way. Travel was something I almost took for granted, like it was a fact of life. It was something I had grown up with, so I didn’t properly appreciate it. I regret that. Now that it’s become something I pursue on my own, I realize how lucky I was to do all that I did when I was younger. I wish I had had that perspective back in the day. But, you can’t live in the past, so now I strive to see each travel opportunity as a blessing to be treasured. And that’s what I’m going to do.


1 comment:

AKH said...

Wow that's cool. I have never thought of it like that. To appreciate being able to travel. I think years down the road I might appreciate this whole Japan trip more than I do now. Definitly gives me something to think about. Thanks Josh!