Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Something I've Learned

Ok. I've done some traveling (I'm planning to do a future entry on just that). I've also had a little experience with missions. To date, I've done 3 trips that I would classify as "mission-oriented". The first was about a year ago in the inner city of Winnipeg. The second was last July on a reserve in Northern Manitoba. The third was the week I just spent in Mexico. In each of these experiences, a significant part of my responsibility involved spending time with children.

In Winnipeg, we took some 30 inner city kids to Oak Hammock Marsh to hang out with them and have a hot dog roast. In Tadoule Lake, we played baseball, led Sunday School, went swimming, and horsed around with some 20 Native kids. Then in Mexico, we handed out candy and trinkets to some 30 or so Mexican niños and niñas.

Each time I've taken part in this, I've come away touched. Touched by just what an impact I can have on inner city girls from broken homes, when I present a positive older-male influence. Touched by the willingness of rough and rambunctious boys to open up and play nice when I show them respect. Touched by the sheer joy I see on 30 shining faces when I blow bubbles for them to chase.

My point/what I've learned is this: kids are kids, no matter where you go.

Wherever you happen to be, kids want to be loved. They want to be appreciated. They want to be pampered. They want to be given goodies:). More than that, I think they want to know that somebody out there they've never met cares about them and loves them. And ultimately, it is my prayer that they look at our example and see Jesus in us. And that they turn to him as we have, as they see His love in us.



AKH said...

That's really cool.
This is something I, too, have realized. Kids are kids wanting to be loved.
Glad to hear your experiences with kids were so positive, because not everyone leaves with those same thoughts!

Anonymous said...

I can't critique a blog about helping children without being labeled "That Guy" So I'm giving you a free pass Bernier.

Matt (The Critic)

Anonymous said...

I suppose you get a first hand look, of the imapact of charities, like World Vision and Compassion, though it might not be in the same quantity. It still makes a differnce.