Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap Day

Well, since today is that day, the anomaly of the Gregorian calendar, I figured I should write something about Leap Day/Year.

Today temporarily revives the age-old question: "If you're born on February 29, when do you celebrate your birthday?" Personally, I've never given this much thought. Mostly because my birthday is on August 7, and none of my friends were born on this day. I've always just assumed you'd have a party on March 1 for most years. Here's another possibility, though: suppose you just don't celebrate for the three off-years. Instead, you have one colossal party on the fourth year! Now THAT would be cool. (Not for the birthday boy/girl, but for everybody else who gets to enjoy a killer time!) Now if only I could find someone with a Leap birthday....

Here's a random question: how do you remember which years feature a 02/29? I've always remembered that whenever there's a summer olympics, there will be a leap day before it. So with this year's games in Beijing, we have a Leap Day this February.
More recently, with my unhealthy interest in American politics showing itself, I've also noticed that year's that feature a presidential election will first have a leap day.

So there you go. That's what Leap Day/Year means to me. Have a good one. See you again in 4 years.


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